History of International Development

Our World In Data


Effective Altruism, Global – 2016

Our World in Data

The aim is to bridge the gap between academic research and the larger world that wants answers to the questions to which academics already have found answers


Global Prosperity

Today's rich countries became rich very recently.

Global inequality. This is the distribution in 1988. A clearly devided world.

Changing global inequality.

Changing global inequality.

Changing global inequality.

Changing global inequality.

Changing global inequality.

Declining extreme poverty

Declining extreme poverty

But people do not know that extreme poverty is declining.

Journalism today.

World poverty
today and in the future

746 Million still live in extreme poverty.
The world population was 7.18 billion in 2013.

“The mark of a civilized human is the ability to look at a column of numbers, and weep.”

– after Bertrand Russell

How long does it take for incomes to grow from 480$ to 14,500$?

Poverty and migration

Changing global inequality.


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